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Frederick's 3 Course Menu

Pick through the courses with Frederick! Appetizer, salad, and entree to have with friends and family.
Appetizer(s)   Salad(s)   Entree(s)
$220.00 for 4 person

Reviews (3)

Debbie L.
Fantastic! Frederick was professional and accommodating and the food was fantastic! We are having the leftovers for breakfast!
CookinGenie User
George Z.
Awesome food in both taste and presentation. Frederick was very efficient and professional.
Kaitlyn C.
The whole experience was absolutely AMAZING. Frederick cooked and prepped a delicious meal from start to finish! It was so nice to pick his brain while he cooked about his favorites and his experiences in the cooking world. Hearing about ...
Record 1 - 3 of 3

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