
You can choose one chef menu for an order

3 Course Dinner By Matt

Enjoy the flavors of Matthew in a 3 course dinner! Pick an app, salad, and entree. Oh, and pick what kind of bread you would like.
Appetizer(s)   Bread(s)   Salad(s)   Entree(s)
$220.00 for 4 person

Backyard BBQ

You throw the party, I throw the BBQ!
Your Meat(s)   Your Sauce(s)   Your Sides(s)   Comes with(s)
$160.00 for 4 person

An Italian night in with Chef Matthew!

Enjoy some great Italian flavors from Chef Matthew! Pick and appetizer, a pasta, and 2 side dishes to enjoy with friends or family.
Appetizer(s)   Pasta(s)   Sides(s)
$196.00 for 4 person

Reviews (5)

Dannie D.
Matthew was personable and knowledgeable.
Sandra C.
The food was delicious and the chef was great.
Courtney J.
Food was delicious!
Stacy M.
The food and service and cleanup was wonderful!!!!
Michelle H.
We had our first experience with CookinGenie on Saturday and it was amazing! Chef Matt Reed arrived prepared and ready to make his three-course menu for four. Every dish was delicious! We enjoyed wild mushroom crostini, a salad of fresh her...
Record 1 - 5 of 5

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